Fertility preservation in cancer patients: Hungarian experiences and attitudes

Dóra Vesztergom 1
Gyöngyvér Téglás 1
László Nánássy 2
Zoltán Mátrai 3
Zoltán Novák 4

Affiliations expand



Introduction: Fertility preservation or oncofertility is a relatively new interdisciplinary field dealing with the preservation of female and male reproductive functions before the administration of gonadotoxic therapy. Despite recommendations from different international scientific bodies, Hungary still does not have a national fertility preservation network, patient referral is unorganised.

Objective: As the first step towards establishing a national fertility preservation program, a study was designed to evaluate the Hungarian oncologists’ knowledge, attitudes and practice in the field of oncofertility.

Method: A national online survey was sent to the physician members of the Hungarian Society of Clinical Oncology between November 2020 and February 2021. The survey was completed by 94 physicians and the results were analysed statistically.

Results: The majority of the oncologists (77%) discusses reproductive health issues before starting gonadotoxic therapy. However, almost half of these physicians do not refer patients for fertility preservation consultation or treatment. Physicians report lack of organised fertility preservation network, lack of knowledge and clinical practice guidelines as major barriers in referring their patients for fertility preservation. The majority (86%) proposes that a better collaboration between cancer and fertility centers needs to be organized in Hungary.

Conclusion: This study is the first nationwide survey to assess oncologists’ attitude, knowledge and practice in the field of oncofertility in Hungary. It highlights the need for more education and increased collaboration between oncologists and reproductive specialists. This is an important step towards the establishment of a national fertility preservation network which is our ultimate goal. Orv Hetil. 2022; 163(6): 246-252.



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