
The establishment of the Central-Eastern European Academy of Oncology

Budapest, 12. June 2019.

The worldwide increase of cancer incidence should alert all countries to develop effective strategy for cancer control by breaking down the borders of cancer care and establish an international collaboration in central and Eastern European Countries.

I am pleased to announce the Establishment of the Central-Eastern European Academy of Oncology by the Government of Hungary in order to combat cancer together in the field of cancer prevention diagnosis, treatment, education and research.

It is my pleasure that representatives of 21 countries of Central and Eastern European Region are willing to sign a Declaration about the establishment of Central-Eastern European Academy of Oncology.

The parties should agree the content of Declaration that related to the following items.

  • The participating countries agree on the need to harness common knowledge by sharing their effective methods and best practices of prevention and treatment, while acknowledging the importance of supporting regional-level research and development, as well as innovation activities in favor of the future-oriented and productive development of oncology.
  • CEE country shall mutually strengthen the direct co-operation between health institutions, with special emphasis on the exchange of experts, health professionals for the purpose of mutual exchange of experience, as well as further development of joint activities in the sector.

The major mission of Central-Eastern European Academy of Oncology is the harmonization of various National Cancer Control Activities of CEE countries in the field of 1. Early detection, 2. Diagnosis, 3. Treatment, 4. Cancer Research and Education.

Cancer control activities of each country should base on the data of cancer incidence and mortality rate.

It is obvious that great differences in cancer frequency among the CEE countries could be observe.

The different incidence and mortality rate of cancer in CEE countries is due to different risk factors; different organization of cancer screening; historical traditions; differences in national health policies and financial resources.

Despite of differences in cancer care in CEE countries cooperation shall be focus on the following priority areas:

  1. Harmonization of national cancer control programs
  2. Networking of the oncologic care system
  3. Harmonization of onco-therapeutic protocols
  4. Organization of multicentric clinical trials
  5. Collaboration in various field of cancer research
  6. Training of health professionals in all fields of cancer care
  7. Organization of scientific meetings, workshops

 The prevention is the most effective tool in the fight against cancer. Prevention is define as the protection of health by personal community wide efforts.

It is should be noted that 40 % of all cancer death could prevented.

Cancer prevention has a broad scope including the areas of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. Prevention may be aim at the whole population, for example as with antismoking legislation.

A part from the well organize prevention programs the development of oncologic network is also paramount important.

Networking of the oncologic care could promote the harmonization of the treatment of cancer patients, and improve the quality of oncologic care and provide equal opportunity of all cancer patients for high quality treatment.

The Establishment of IT network between oncologic centers of CEE countries makes possible the consultation of cancer cases by the operation of virtual oncoteam. Development of telemedicine for pathology and diagnostic imaging could help the work of the virtual oncoteam among various Central Eastern European countries.

The Structure and Function of Central-Eastern European Academy of Oncology can be outline as follows

  1. Academy is an international organization with a headquarter in Budapest
  2. Academy is governed by the Presidium
  3. Academy elects an international Scientific Board of delegated academics from the collaborated countries
  4. Development of a core curriculum to provide common requirements for training of oncology professionals
  5. Organization of international scientific meeting and workshop in the field of oncology
  6. Academy is supported by a Hungarian Governmental Foundation

 I am convinced that this Academy of Oncology contributes to the development of health co-operation based on friendly relations among Central-Eastern European countries.